Friends of the NRA Banquet

America’s Leading Charitable Organization in Support of the Shooting Sports

Friends of NRA is the fundraising arm of The NRA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that raises tax-deductible contributions in support of firearm-related public interest activities of the NRA and organizations that defend and foster the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans.

The NRA Foundation Supports Freedom, Family, and the Future of the Shooting Sports

Friends of NRA is the fundraising arm of The NRA Foundation. The Foundation provides grants to fund activities and support programs in the United States that promote firearms and hunting safety, enhance marksmanship skills, and education the public about firearms in their historic, technological, and artistic context.

These grants benefit just about anyone, including hunters, competitive shooters, women, youth, people with physical disabilities, gun collectors, law enforcement officers, and more.

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