Accredited Training Classes
Certified Instructors are always available for trainingSafety & Education
Ensuring proper dynamics and gun usage for all agesUnbeatable Prices
Schedule and reserve your spot onlineSchedule & Pay for your lessons online!Firearm Training of Illinois
Firearm Training of Illinois is an official branch of Darnall’s Gun Works & Ranges, offering an integrated payment solution – allowing you to schedule, book, and pay for your weaponry/classes online! Our instructors are certified to educated gun enthusiasts of all ages the proper safety protocols for owning/firing a weapon.
Here are just a few classes to keep an eye out for on our Calendar
- Concealed Carry Registration
- Concealed Carry Renewal
- Cowboy Action League
- USPSA Leagues
- IDPA Matches
- and so Much More!

We uphold the highest safety and education standards
- Treated as if it is loaded at all times
- Gun from a holster, keep it pointed.
- Finger off the trigger and outside
- Report it to a range instructor directly
- Range of services at Audley
- Weapons must be discharged and Safely